
Northside Presbyterian Church, reflecting the love of God, celebrates inclusion and diversity. Whoever you are, whatever your ancestry, ability, or identity, you are made in God's image. Wherever you are in your faith journey, come as you are. We welcome you and invite you to walk with us.

Our Mission

Jesus calls us to love and serve our world. We reach out and welcome all to:

  • work for justice
  • build relationships
  • share the Good News
  • make disciples

Northside is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA)

Worship With Us

Worship services at Northside follow the Service for the Lord's Day and start at 10 a.m. Every week we worship through music, prayer and scripture, as we enter together into God's presence. Feel free to come as you are, for God accepts each of us, however we come to Him, with our doubts and faith, our hopes and fears, our successes and failures. Dress is casual here—worshipers wear everything from jeans to Sunday best. We sit in chairs, not pews.


Our mission outreach is accomplished both corporately by member groups and by individuals and their personal commitment to efforts to serve the Lord locally and globally.

Northside also works to provides a good model of Earth Care friendly actions.

Administration and Committees

The ministry of any church is the work of the people, as we act together as the hands, feet, and heart of Christ in the world. This is especially true at Northside Presbyterian, where we have chosen to organize ourselves for service to others through our ministries and related committees.

About Us

Northside Presbyterian Church began its ministry in Blacksburg over seventy-five years ago with a commitment to welcome all those God sends, to love, support, and encourage one another on our journey of faith, and to witness to Jesus Christ in our world through our worship, study, fellowship, and community involvement.

Read the weekly eUpdate for the latest news.

Sunday Services

The service is streamed live on the Northside Facebook page and is added to the website after the service. For those who join remotely and wish to follow the service, the bulletin is available as a PDF to download. In addition to being available below, past services, special services, and memorial services are available for viewing.

Upcoming events

  • March 19 7:30 pm

    Choir Practice

  • March 20 All Day

    Mr. Rogers Day

  • March 23 10:00 am

    3rd Sunday in Lent, Worship and Communion

  • March 23 10:45 am

    Sunday School

  • March 23 12:00 pm

    Deacons Meeting

  • March 24 12:00 pm

    Lenten Lunch

Garden of Remembrance

The Garden of Remembrance of Northside Presbyterian Church provides a special place at the church for the ashes of eligible deceased. Ashes are added to the garden where the departed may rest in peace and dignity within the shadow of the church.

For Us

The work of Northside requires many hands to sign up to host Fellowship time, usher, serve Communion, and various other events and activities. This page is a helpful list for members to check to see who is signed up when, either as a check of an upcoming commitment or to find someone to trade when an out-of-town trip or illness prevents serving an assigned time.

Give Now

Northside has set up an account through the Presbyterian Foundation to accept electronic payments at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The account can be set up to submit recurring gifts so giving continues even when you cannot attend services. You can also make one-time payments for special and designated offerings.