Worship: 10:00 am
Fellowship Time: 11:00 - 11:15 am
Sunday School for All: 11:15 am - Noon
Worship services at Northside follow the Service for the Lord's Day. Every week we worship through music, prayer and scripture, as we enter together into God's presence. The music is led by the organ and Adult Choir and includes both lively congregational singing as well as special music designed to touch our hearts in the way only music can. We sing the great hymns of the church. The traditional service has the warmth of a community celebration. Feel free to come as you are, for God accepts each of us, however we come to Him, with our doubts and faith, our hopes and fears, our successes and failures.
Dress is casual here—worshipers wear everything from jeans to Sunday best. We sit in chairs, not pews, and we use the sanctuary for frequent fellowship meals as well. We love to spend time around the table with each other! There is Fellowship Time each Sunday following worship when we enjoy coffee and donuts together.
Children are welcome in our service. There is a bookshelf of children's books in the rear of the sanctuary, and children may take a book with them to their seats. Little ones absorb much more of a worship service than we imagine, but they enjoy having something to do with their hands during quiet times. We welcome children of all ages in our worship service; however, there is an infant/toddler nursery provided, if desired, under the care of our Nursery Attendant, Susan Heinze.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is celebrated the first Sunday of each month at our 10:00 am service. All are welcome at the Lord's table. We also celebrate communion on each Sunday in Lent.
Some special services during the year are the Hanging of the Greens, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Maundy Thursday Communion Service, World Communion Sunday, and Easter Sunrise Service.
For your own personal devotions at home, you may like to visit the following site:
Daily Devotion http://www.d365.org/todaysdevotion/
Music Programs
Music is eclectic—we sing traditional hymns, contemporary praise music, and a great deal of international music, ordinarily using piano and organ by our accomplished accompanist, Ms. Pat Fullen. We have a wonderful Adult Choir, directed by Ms. Marya Katz, which offers praise and inspiration through a variety of music styles September through May. The Northside Chimers offer a unique, special musical addition to our worship services. We frequently are blessed by the addition of flute, violin, guitar, drums, and rhythm instruments, harp, dulcimer, etc. Our members have many musical gifts.
The Adult Choir meets each Wednesday night from 7:30 - 8:45 pm for practice in the Sanctuary - Please consider joining us. All Are Invited!! The Adult Choir is not active, June-August.
The Northside Chimers meet most Sunday mornings (9:00 am) for practice.
1017 Progress Street, NW
We are located on the corner of Progress Street and Watson Avenue, two blocks up Progress from North Main Street.