Our Mission outreach is accomplished both corporately by member groups and by individuals and their personal commitment to efforts to serve the Lord locally and globally. Northside tithes (that is, gives approximately 11%) of its operating budget to mission projects each year.
The Mission Committee, which leads a significant amount of the mission work at Northside, is responsible to:
- seek out the needs of our local, regional and world community
- develop approaches and mobilize the resources of the church to help meet needs
- help the congregation develop its concept of ministry
- disburse funds designated for outreach
The committee supports and promotes special offerings through the year: One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost Offering, Peace and Global Witness Offering, and the Christmas Joy Offering.
The Mission Committee encourages the congregation to contact committee members at any time to share possible mission outreach opportunities. You are also invited to attend our meetings and volunteer to be a part of the committee or to support any of its projects.
Mission Projects We Support:
The committee supports the Monday Night Suppers program of Northside, which provides a drive-up service for people to pick up a meal. The program started on June 18, 2018, and has met every Monday since then, except for the interruption due to the pandemic.

We have an on-going food collection for Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry. Northside volunteers assist at the food pantry the fourth Tuesday of each month. Using the Kroger Community Rewards Program allows you to use your Kroger Plus card to help us raise money for milk purchases at the Food Pantry.
But first you need to enroll your new or existing Kroger Plus card to Northside's Community Rewards account. To do so, follow these instructions..Go to www.kroger.com/communityrewards to enroll. You will have to sign in or create an account. Once you have done that you can enroll your card with Northside. Northside's account number is 83566.

Northside supports the UKirk Presbyterian Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech. The name UKirk means “university church”—formerly called “Cooper House.” It is a shared ministry of four partner churches—Blacksburg Presbyterian Church, Christiansburg Presbyterian Church, Northside, and Roanoke Valley Presbyterian Church—as well as the Presbytery of the Peaks. Northside members volunteer to serve on the Ukirk Board. We also recruit volunteers to provide a home cooked meal ("Feed The Flock") to the Ukirk Ministry students once each month during the fall and spring semesters.
There is a large grassy field behind the church which over the years has been used as a soccer practice field, play area for Scouts, and the location of a church-maintained potato garden. Most recently it has been used by the New River Glean Team to raise a variety of squash to be shared with local food pantries.