Monday Night Supper |
On Monday, the menu was lasagna, salad, roll, fruit and cookies. There were 60 meals distributed. Helpers this week were: Ann Marie and Maria Connor, Marjorie and George Norton, Susan Heinz, Steve and Rosemary Cole, Linda Dickerson, and Bruce and Heidi Harper. We will not be serving on January 20 due to the holiday and school closing.
Service Opportunities |
It is Northside's turn to "Feed the Flock" at uKirik on January 21. Please contact Jane Jones to sign up to serve the meal.
Every Sunday is open to serve Fellowship after worship. The sign-up sheet and instructions are on the Fellowship table. You can also contact to sign up. |
Pastoral Care "Offer prayers and petitions in the Spirit all the time." – Eph. 6.18 Please be in prayer for: |
Revathi Balakrishnan Jan and Leon Geyer Matthew Harper Ron Pearson Betty Manus Margaret Bender Kristin Adams Elnathan Rathjen Robyn Gregg Brenda Payne Cathy Cunningham Charles Allen Jeff Kallas (Bronwyn’s husband) |
Myrna Gaylord Lindsay Salany Mary Rhodes Asa Peeples Martha Taylor Lea & Ricky Teasdale Christy Knox Margery Mullins Lavetta Cumbee Lou Brown, Pat and Patty Devens Daniel, Erika, and Ted Harper Chris Stanley Please let the church office know if names should be added to or removed from the list. |
Earth Care Newsletter Winter 2025 - from Forest Arnold
New Sustainable Technologies being developed
Agriculture developments -
. Drone sprayers for fertilizers and pesticides can target areas close to the ground and prevent nitrous oxide from reaching the atmosphere.
. Red algae and biochar can be mixed with cattle feed to decrease methane emissions by 85 to 90%.
. No till farming and crop rotation can prevent soil erosion and lower use of fertilizer and herbicides.
. Hedgerow plantings of pollinator species can help pollination and provide a corridor for bird habitat to reduce insect pests.
. Poorer quality land for farming can be converted to a solar farm with wind turbines to generate power for the farm and as a cash source by selling surplus to the grid. Hemp and biochar can produce revenue.
. Companion planting of vegetables, mixed crops can help with soil fertility, pests and deer browsing impacts.
Sustainable Things you can do at home
Buy locally produced produce at farmers markets and grocery stores that support local farms.
Support Community Sourced Agriculture (CSAs) by using them for home produce.
Buy organic produce, fish and meat.
Source: The Cool website
Coming Events
January 15 1:30 pm Women's Bible Study
January 19 10:00 am Worship, Annual Meeting of the Congregation
January 19 11:00 am Sunday School
January 20 All Day Martin Luther King Day (church office closed)
January 25 9:00 am Officers' Retreat, Session Meeting, Deacons Meeting following Retreat
January 26 10:00 am Worship, Ordination/Installation of New Officers
“Welcome home! Come walk with us!” |
Northside Presbyterian Church, reflecting the love of God, celebrates inclusion and diversity. Whoever you are, whatever your ancestry, ability, or identity, you are made in God’s image. Wherever you are in your faith journey, come as you are. We welcome you and invite you to walk with us. (adopted by the Session, April 21, 2024) |
DO YOU KNOW? You have an online way to support Northside! Your REGULAR OFFERING, PLEDGE, OR 2 CENTS A MEAL. Go to the page on our church website (, and click the button. OR just scan the QR code below to take you there: |