weekly email news from Northside Presbyterian

Northside weekly email newsletter. View in browser

Northside Presbyterian Church

Weekly eUpdate

January 8, 2025

New Year -- New Look

Welcome to the new look of the Northside Weekly eUpdate. Instead of an attachment that must be opened, all the news is right here in the email. There will be a backup version that will be mailed to our homebound members. Please provide feedback on the look and usefulness of this new format.

Coming Sunday and Beyond

This Sunday, Linda’s sermon will be on “What Do We Mean When We Say ‘Baptism’?” The choir will perform “Down In the River to Pray.” The Sunday School classes will meet after Fellowship time.

The annual meeting of the congregation will be on Sunday, January 19, right after worship. The purpose is to elect the 2025 Nominating Committee, vote on Terms of Call for the Minister, and receive the Session Annual Reports and Budget.

Officer on Call

The officer on call for the week of Jan. 5-11 is Lisa Garcia; she can be reached at 540-250-2869. 

Homebound Cards

For those wishing to mail a card to our homebound members, here are some addresses:

Monday Night Supper

Because of the inclement weather on Monday, we did not serve any meals. The policy is that when Montgomery County Schools are closed, we will not be serving meals.

Pastoral Care

Offer prayers and petitions in the Spirit all the time." – Eph. 6.18

Please be in prayer for:

Revathi Balakrishnan

Jan and Leon Geyer

Matthew Harper

Ron Pearson

Betty Manus  

Margaret Bender

Kristin Adams

Elnathan Rathjen

Robyn Gregg

Brenda Payne

Corey Foote

Cathy Cunningham

Charles Allen

Jeff Kallas (Bronwyn’s husband)

Paul Ruszler

Myrna Gaylord

Lindsay Salany

Mary Rhodes

Asa Peeples

Martha Taylor

Lea & Ricky Teasdale

Christy Knox

Margery Mullins

Lavetta Cumbee

Lou Brown, Pat and Patty Devens

Daniel, Erika, and Ted Harper

Chris Stanley

Please let the church office know if names should be added to or removed from the list.

Northside Presbyterian Church, reflecting the love of God, celebrates inclusion and diversity. Whoever you are, whatever your ancestry, ability, or identity, you are made in God’s image. Wherever you are in your faith journey, come as you are. We welcome you and invite you to walk with us.

(adopted by the Session, April 21, 2024)

You can find our worship service at 10 AM Sundays on our Facebook page at Northside Presbyterian Church in Blacksburg, VA. It is also available on Youtube.com—search for Northside Presbyterian Church in Blacksburg, VA. It is also available after the service on our website, northsidebburg.org


 You have an online way to support Northside! Your REGULAR OFFERING, PLEDGE, OR 2 CENTS A MEAL You can go to our church website (northsidebburg.org) and use a debit or credit card after clicking the appropriate button. OR NOW, just scan the QR code below to take you there:

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1017 Progress St. NW, Blacksburg, VA  24060

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Pastor:  Dickerson.northside@gmail.com
Administrative Assistant:  Secretary.northside@gmail.com

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